About BrandStencil and Asset Bank
Integrate your Asset Bank with BrandStencil to instantly make marketing materials from templates using your DAM images.
With a seamless integration managing brand consistency has never been easier, with options to embed the templating tool inside your Asset Bank or use it as a separate platform.

How does it work with Asset Bank?
We’ve carefully constructed a streamlined process so you can govern the brand imagery available but not at the expense of your users creativity and engagement.
On selecting a template from their list in BrandStencil and choosing to add an image users are shown a curated set of images you want to make available to them from your Asset Bank. Only images that the user has permission to access are made available and they simply select, crop and the image is popped into their template. It’s quick, efficient and guaranteed to be on-brand. See our Leonard Cheshire case study for further details.
To integrate BrandStencil with your Asset Bank, you need an active subscription to BrandStencil. Find out more about pricing on their website or sign up for a demo account. Charities get a 10% discount on their annual subscription.
Template development
Each template is developed by BrandStencil for a one off fee. Usually you will supply the artwork for the template or they can put you in touch with one of their design partners.
How do I get it set up?
If you're interested in a BrandStencil integration, then please get in touch today and our customer support team can discuss your installation.