Business Partners
We will compete robustly but fairly in our market, provide value for money and high quality service for our customers, make prompt payment to our suppliers, and will not offer or accept inducements to further our business. We do not work with companies that are not compatible with our values, for example, those that operate in arms manufacture, pornography or tobacco sectors.
Awarding of Contracts
Awarding of contracts will be made only on the basis of their value for money, quality, ability to deliver the product/service required and taking account of the business ethics and corporate values of the business tendering for the contract.
All contracts must be arranged through our standard procurement process and authorised in writing by a Director.
Gifts and Hospitality
We have an Anti-Bribery Policy and adhere to the 2010 Bribery Act 2010 which came into force on 1 July 2011.
As an employer, we will act fairly and responsibly in all matters relating to our employees and workers, create a supportive, honest and open environment for employees to work in treat all individuals with dignity and respect. We seek to eliminate prejudice, discrimination and victimisation, to provide a safe and healthy environment in which to work, where possible provide opportunities for personal growth and professional development, and support all employees to enable them to be fulfilled in their working lives.
Our recruitment process is fair, equitable and non-discriminatory. Appointments are made solely on ability to perform the duties required.
We have an Environmental Policy and take environmental issues and sustainability seriously and consider both issues as much as possible in our everyday business decisions. We ensure we comply with all European law applicable and keep abreast with changes in legislation.
Current actions:
- Our air-conditioning system is recognised as a more environmentally friendly system by the Government’s programme to manage climate change as our equipment meets published energy-saving criteria.
- When moving into our current offices we ensured that our office was fully insulated to reduce heat waste. This added a substantial amount of work to our fit-out but we considered it important and therefore worthwhile.
- We dispose of any waste produced in an environmentally responsible manner, and recycle waste wherever possible (we currently recycle food waste, bottles, paper, plastics, cans and cardboard).
- We recycle all old electrical equipment and furniture no longer required by donating to local charities.
- We purchase products derived from natural resources and sustainable sources wherever possible.
- We take relevant environmental considerations into account when making decisions regarding working practices and office purchasing.
- We strive to be a paperless office and discourage the keeping of hard copies where they are not needed. Whenever printing is done, recycled paper is used and all documents are printed on double-sided paper. Any unwanted paper is reused as scrap if possible.
- We always aim to buy products containing/produced with recycled materials in all aspects of the office and wherever possible, biodegradable and phosphate-free detergents will be used in sinks, toilets etc.
- Long-life low-energy light bulbs, rechargeable batteries and other energy saving devices are used in all areas where possible.
- All employees are requested to turn off the lights and/or air conditioning when leaving the office.
- All staff are actively reminded to recycle waste materials and to economise on electricity.
- We try to deliver most of our services remotely, avoiding unnecessary journeys by car, train or aeroplane. We are part of the cycle to work scheme and encourage staff to walk or cycle to work.
Bright, the creators of Asset Bank and Dash, is committed to achieving the highest standards of quality, honesty, openness and accountability in our everyday activities. We also believe that we have a moral obligation to take account of the impact of our activities on the local, national and global economy; the environment and the community in which we operate. We aim to reduce any adverse effects our activities may have to a minimum and to make a positive contribution where reasonably possible.