Shutterstock and Asset Bank
Shutterstock is a leading provider of high-quality stock photography, videography and editing resources across the world. If you've ever needed to find stock imagery, chances are, you've used Shutterstock!
We're excited to partner with Shutterstock - helping you get to the images you need, even quicker.
What are the benefits of integrating Shutterstock and Asset Bank?
No need to worry about where a purchased image has gone or if it's being saved on someone's local computer. With our new integration all of the images that you and your team download from Shutterstock, will automatically sync into a folder in your Asset Bank.
To make it even easier, all of the tags from your Shutterstock image gets synced too, so you don't have to spend any time at all tagging up your new digital files in your Asset Bank, making it even easier to search and find the right images for your designs and projects.

How does the Shutterstock integration work?
Getting set up couldn't be easier! Simply ask your Asset Bank admin to click on the Shutterstock tab in your integrations section. It'll open a web browser where you can fill in your Shutterstock Premier account log in details, and when you click sign in, you're sorted! You don't even have to create a new folder - it's all done automatically. Plus, if you've already been busy purchasing Shutterstock images, those will now automatically start downloading so you've got a ready-made library.
The next time you are ready to purchase a new image, it'll sync directly with your Asset Bank.
So what are you waiting for? Get started, today!