Halloween assets

Are ghastly ghouls haunting your creative processes this Halloween? Here are just some of the alarming apparitions that could be causing stress, creating chaos and costing money in your marketing team. We've got some tips on how to banish them to the underworld.

The Desktop Demon

The most common manifestation in marketing teams, the Desktop Demon is a pesky little sprite. It convinces colleagues that their desktop is the ideal place to store creative assets, squirrelling them away from anyone else who might want them. 

It makes sure tracking down artwork, images and files is a tedious and time-consuming process, then feeds on your exasperation. The Desktop Demon is a close friend of the Inbox Imp, who works similar mischief through email attachments and Outlook folders. Between the two, digital asset access is always devilishly difficult. 

The Desktop Demon will be no more if you introduce your team to the beauty of  Digital Asset Management(DAM). If you’re worried about how they’ll respond to a new bit of tech, then take a look at our eBook, ‘How to Increase User Adoption’  which makes winning hearts and minds a breeze.

The Permissions Poltergeist

Wondering if you’ve still got the rights to use a certain asset? You’ll never know, thanks to The Permissions Poltergeist. This shady spectre is on a mission to make your assets obsolete. It knows what you’ve commissioned, seen the usage agreements, clocked the consent forms. It convinces your colleagues they’ve got everything ‘saved safely somewhere’ but when the time comes… the villain has vanished the paperwork and assets become unusable. 

Asset Bank has your back against the Permissions Poltergeist by storing model release and consent forms with each asset. 

Ghostly ghouls

The Transfer Troll

The Transfer Troll is a lumbering beast, trudging through the FTP forest with your bulky files. Muttering his mantra - Improvo como mailattacho - he convinces you that this is the modern way, so much better than emailing big files. But it is designed to distract you from a better way of working. Fast, functional and offering instant access, the Lightbox is the Troll’s sworn enemy and he’ll do anything to stop you discovering it. Articles while you upload, cool graphics when you download…smoke-and-mirrors from this master of manipulation.

Banish the Transfer Troll by sharing collections of assets with other users or external parties with published lightboxes.

Halloween horror file

The Google Goblin

The Google Goblin strikes fear into the heart of even the hardiest marketer. This nefarious nightmare shakes the common sense out of colleagues and convinces them that Google is a suitable source of imagery. It populates business documents using low res images, with pixelated edges and unclear copyright, undermining the credibility of your company. The Google Goblin works claw-in-paw with The Off-Brand Ogre, who trawls the web to serve up distorted and out-of-date logos to DIY designers everywhere…

Store your assets in a centralised location and avoid the need for editing with configurable download options.

The Version Vampire

A Version Vampire sucks the blood out of the creative process. Prepare to say ‘fangs for the memories’ when it comes to version control. Only they know which version of a layout or artwork is the most recent one, and if they’re on holiday or off sick it becomes a real pain in the neck. A Version Vampire can be easily identified by the file names they use. ‘Artwork FINAL’, ‘Artwork final FINAL’ and ‘Artwork final FINAL v2’ are all telltale signs that a coworker walks on the dark side. 

Suck the life out of outdated logos and assets by archiving them within your DAM and only giving user permissions for the most recent versions. 

The Ghastly Gatekeeper

Continue along this path and there's a risk you'll become afflicted too, taking on the role of The Ghastly Gatekeeper. The one person everyone comes to for your asset awareness. You’ll not be able to open your email or walk by the watercooler without a request. ‘Can you just send me this’, ‘I can’t find that’, ‘I know you’re busy but I need it straight away’ ARGH! Your creativity is crushed by tedious tasks and you’re blamed for bottlenecks in workflows everywhere. Before too long, you evolve into something even sadder, the Workload Werewolf, howling at the moon because you have so much to doooo.

This is where our friendly Customer Support team can assist. They’ll be on hand to provide plenty of support in how to implement your new DAM, including appointing brand ambassadors to ease your gate guarding duties. 

Let Asset Bank exorcise your digital demons this Halloween.

  • A single storage system for all creative assets in the organisation
  • Metadata to make search, retrieval and rights management as easy as pumpkin pie
  • Simple self-service access for colleagues, 24/7, anywhere in the (under)world
  • Instant share functionality to slay the transfer troll
  • In-built version control to vapourise those vampires

If all this sounds a little familiar, but you’re not sure if now is the right time to move from shared drives to a DAM, check out our ebook or book a demo with one of our friendly consultants today.

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